Sunday, May 27, 2007

Piers, posts, and premonitions

So Neighbor Neil sez I can/should reuse the concrete postings that were already there. The prior deck did not do the post in the ground/cement thing. But instead nailed them onto concrete footings. Then, looked they poured a thin pool of concrete around as a ring. Eh... wasn't very impressive, especially given the vision of the deck.

He proposed something around the lines of drilling a hole in the piers...

Then with epoxy, dropping a bolt in, and so forth.

I've worked with concrete before... manually. I knew/realized, saving time and my back is well-worth it.

In the deck designs I had done... the posts (at least some) would be relatively close to what would already be there... but then as I'm sitting there, wondering which way to go...

Jenn comes back from shopping, and give me this look:

She didn't even have to say anything. I just knew then... concrete piers and rebar. Thanks Love Hewy.

NOTE: My proper construction attire, include Reef's Mick Fanning sandals. Replete with beer bottle opener on bottom for high-sun blues.

More on piers...

Nice to have a bunch of pea gravel already floating about... so as to tidy up the job site from dust, but use on the bottom of the pier footings, and around draining.

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