Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lines... and cuts. Moving along.

Here's some lines for ya'll....somehow took awhile, unfortunately.

First, note the all-important iPod/Bose docking sitch'i-ation:

If these lines are not PERFECT... please adjust or throw away your monitor (it's calibration is as steady as Lindsay Lohan post-8 ball performing open heart surgery)... much less your computer... fire your optometrist. This is atomic accurate ;-)

Oh, and the sandwitch post.. when you mix 6x6 and 6x4s.... perfectly legit, and just as strong... especially with boltage.

This is perfection on four fronts.... difficult artisan-like craftsmanship. When it came out.. I was shocked. I little prep, and a few "measure twice, cut once"s... but how it fit. Wow... luck. Shoulda played the lottery I suppose.

[and screw those old school carpenter pencils... I use the pastel glow paint pen.. inspired by the latest from Hanes... ]
(I have a shirt just like these undies):

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