Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend Digression

Digging through updates... had a few photos to share from this weekend...

Neighbor Will... demonstrating gonads that few humans possess. The cutest little varmint.... but a skunk, regardless.

Gotta love the lil' shooter sitting right there at the camera lens.

Even more epic when he brings it inside, for a little excitement. For some reason, this frightened little wild animal does NOT like being indoors. Nothin' more been said.

Will's "pimp ride"....

Why I consult with Neighbor Neil on craftsmanship, much less borrowing a pinch of creative salt from his architectual spice rack... his seaside B&B project is true artisanship... the last inning of the weekend spent here...

Yeah, even a side driveway can be compelling. I thank Neil for even letting me ask/talk his ear off here-and-there throughout a week in St Barthelemy on "deck talk".

Too bad his view sucks... guess they didn't get the location-location-location mantra. The. ocean... blah. Reminds me of Pleasanton (not).

Lastly... this photo amongst the myriad from the weekend... I noticed... is not altered in anyway shape or form. Hunter it seems is really some sorta of ghost... that or vulnerable to the power of Susan's hand-made home grown margaritas... course who isn't. But maybe some photo expert can tell me why/how he's cut off cleanly at the window, and then with a 50-55% transparency. Hmmm.

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