Sunday, May 27, 2007

Next up, posts...

Posts... so I gotz the concrete super rebar... 1 ton total piers in... drop a post on top of the j-bolt... set level, and go...

Weird how you drop a wobbly post but it all works out. And quite well I add...

Here is THE seminal part of the deck... the 6x6 that will be the main trellis support... the feedoff for the phase II/tub side of the deck.. the future sun room corner. This post has many current and future responsibilities... thusly why it's a specimen of wood on top of a 1/4 ton of concrete and rebar... deep, with extra footing, drainage....

If/when there's an earthquake... run and stand beneath this post.

More posts with the 'interim' second post... a 4x6 donated by Patrick thru Neil... later to be cut and used efficiently/importantly.

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