Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thorn's Progress

Dateline 05.30.2007.R14.9098880443

Here's where it's at, as of a couple hours ago...puuuuuuuurty.

Phase 1.5... near future site of the lower level, which will parlay itself into the hottub... will be here:

and said hottub circa... about here...

Memorial Day Weekend Digression

Digging through updates... had a few photos to share from this weekend...

Neighbor Will... demonstrating gonads that few humans possess. The cutest little varmint.... but a skunk, regardless.

Gotta love the lil' shooter sitting right there at the camera lens.

Even more epic when he brings it inside, for a little excitement. For some reason, this frightened little wild animal does NOT like being indoors. Nothin' more been said.

Will's "pimp ride"....

Why I consult with Neighbor Neil on craftsmanship, much less borrowing a pinch of creative salt from his architectual spice rack... his seaside B&B project is true artisanship... the last inning of the weekend spent here...

Yeah, even a side driveway can be compelling. I thank Neil for even letting me ask/talk his ear off here-and-there throughout a week in St Barthelemy on "deck talk".

Too bad his view sucks... guess they didn't get the location-location-location mantra. The. ocean... blah. Reminds me of Pleasanton (not).

Lastly... this photo amongst the myriad from the weekend... I noticed... is not altered in anyway shape or form. Hunter it seems is really some sorta of ghost... that or vulnerable to the power of Susan's hand-made home grown margaritas... course who isn't. But maybe some photo expert can tell me why/how he's cut off cleanly at the window, and then with a 50-55% transparency. Hmmm.

Lines... and cuts. Moving along.

Here's some lines for ya'll....somehow took awhile, unfortunately.

First, note the all-important iPod/Bose docking sitch'i-ation:

If these lines are not PERFECT... please adjust or throw away your monitor (it's calibration is as steady as Lindsay Lohan post-8 ball performing open heart surgery)... much less your computer... fire your optometrist. This is atomic accurate ;-)

Oh, and the sandwitch post.. when you mix 6x6 and 6x4s.... perfectly legit, and just as strong... especially with boltage.

This is perfection on four fronts.... difficult artisan-like craftsmanship. When it came out.. I was shocked. I little prep, and a few "measure twice, cut once"s... but how it fit. Wow... luck. Shoulda played the lottery I suppose.

[and screw those old school carpenter pencils... I use the pastel glow paint pen.. inspired by the latest from Hanes... ]
(I have a shirt just like these undies):

Monday, May 28, 2007

A bad cut...

So examples of a bad cut...

First... actually this was a preliminary joist.... but worse yet, the crossing beam didn't meet the ... nevermind...

An even worse cut...

Looks like everyone was on a bad streak of cuts.


Monster pain... a slew of 2x10x20'. Heavy city. Nonetheless, joists getting in place. Replete with hurricane ties:

First, some preliminary joists, to set everything level... these are only 12'... need 17'+

Then, we'll drop the kuhunas on, then trim them later.

Beam perfection

Settin' up...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Beam me up Scooooooty

Perfumed blokes on the Ginza Line
Brief encounters in Mercedes Benz....

sorry grabbing Beck lyrics at will... so here's laser beams, sun beams, retro beams, deck beams, and tea beams...

the slow build up...

Cool timing... throwin' beams and gettin' WWII era planes on the coastal air show (aka Coastside Dream Machines).... helps when you are about to head to St Barthelemy a day later...

More deck beamage....

One unconsidered dilemna.... the stairs...

More later....

Next up, posts...

Posts... so I gotz the concrete super rebar... 1 ton total piers in... drop a post on top of the j-bolt... set level, and go...

Weird how you drop a wobbly post but it all works out. And quite well I add...

Here is THE seminal part of the deck... the 6x6 that will be the main trellis support... the feedoff for the phase II/tub side of the deck.. the future sun room corner. This post has many current and future responsibilities... thusly why it's a specimen of wood on top of a 1/4 ton of concrete and rebar... deep, with extra footing, drainage....

If/when there's an earthquake... run and stand beneath this post.

More posts with the 'interim' second post... a 4x6 donated by Patrick thru Neil... later to be cut and used efficiently/importantly.

Today's Soundtrack

Although I'm not caught up to where I am on the deck project on thine blog... figured I'd give an update on the all important DECK SOUNDTRACK... notably this weekend's work accompaniment...

Boards of Canada - Music Has A Right to Children

Yellowman w/ various special guest ... bootleg dance hall loop circa '85... very bomb.com

Black Crowes - Tall Sessions - the what woulda been between Southern Harmony & Musical Companion and Amorica.

The Keystone, the .. the.. Ledger Board

The keystone to the whole project.. the ledger board. It sets the level, the width, the scope... the form build out from it, and take shape. Can't say enough about a good ledger board...

Oh, and flashing. $50 a pop... the copper flashing to keep the rain out. Lucky for me,.. already have a little ledge for the flashing to fit right up and in.. then over the pressure treated 2X10X12s... (2).

Number of things to note..
  1. Copper flashing under house flashing = very very good.
  2. Copper flashing = $$$$ = great choice.
  3. Recessed bolts going into the house foundation. Do it throughout, you never know where a joist and/or after thought may wind up. Go galvanized 5/8... easy to work with and strong enough

Ledger n' copper amidst an ocean sunset

Ledger making way for the hot water pipe... unfortunately the same water pipe (outdoors) that feeds my shower... circa turn the hot knob all the way, and come back in 10 minutes.

Cu matrimony (atomic weight of 63.546, whilst the atomic number of 29 for those keeping score at home, and for the goobers... CAS Registry ID: 7440-50-8)

... when flashings unite...

So that's the copper flashing and ledger board... very fun... easy, and gives you the feeling of getting started (for once).

I Love Concrete

There's two kinds of love... Love Hewitt, and Love Concrete... tough call...

I'll go with Quikrete ;-)

Piers, posts, and premonitions

So Neighbor Neil sez I can/should reuse the concrete postings that were already there. The prior deck did not do the post in the ground/cement thing. But instead nailed them onto concrete footings. Then, looked they poured a thin pool of concrete around as a ring. Eh... wasn't very impressive, especially given the vision of the deck.

He proposed something around the lines of drilling a hole in the piers...

Then with epoxy, dropping a bolt in, and so forth.

I've worked with concrete before... manually. I knew/realized, saving time and my back is well-worth it.

In the deck designs I had done... the posts (at least some) would be relatively close to what would already be there... but then as I'm sitting there, wondering which way to go...

Jenn comes back from shopping, and give me this look:

She didn't even have to say anything. I just knew then... concrete piers and rebar. Thanks Love Hewy.

NOTE: My proper construction attire, include Reef's Mick Fanning sandals. Replete with beer bottle opener on bottom for high-sun blues.

More on piers...

Nice to have a bunch of pea gravel already floating about... so as to tidy up the job site from dust, but use on the bottom of the pier footings, and around draining.

Rot !!!???

Uh oh... so the original ledgers were not flashed, much less pressure treated. So yeah, you could tear parts of it off with your fingertips. You can see here, the underneath with the ledger removed:

Looking more into it.. I started to worry.. how bad was the rot??? Would the deck project take an immensely drastic side-stop? Much needed if it did get into the house, and much costly, and very time consuming. I asked JLH for hope, guidance, and luck....

She told me not to get my Hanes in a ruff'...nut it up, and get in there, and find out.

Lo and behold... it was very superficial. Not only did it not reach the house, but the tar paper was in near perfect condition. Fantastic. Thanks Jen...


Yeah it's fun at first... to demolish anything, much less old wood.

But gets very tiresome, boring, and at times difficult.

Interesting seeing how the old deck was built, for instance, they employed a 'double ledger' sort of thing. They ran the joists PARALLEL to the ledger board, so the bottom ledger board was used to anchor the beams... then the second ledger board pretty much served as the first joist.

The Old Deck

The coming into of various accessories (future posts) really pushed the hand on replacing/upgrading an old weathered deck. Being a stone's throw from the Pacific Ocean (or beer bottle cap ;-) did take it's toll on the deck... but surprisingly, given the wood used, workmanship, and so close to the ocean... it faired well. We've been here for 5+ years, and it was certainly already here for 5+.

One expectation I hadn't set for myself, was the removal of the existing deck, moreover... the prep for removal... cutting down bushes (which in the end is like chopping down and hauling a tree), moving outdoor furniture. The list goes on....