Monday, July 9, 2007

Home For A Hottub

Looks like building a "separate deck" for a huge heavy hottub is next phase. A 12" pier as the cornerstone, then 4x10's as ledgers and beams... some triangulations... lotsa joists, tons of hurricane ties, coil straps, gum, luck, ...

First things first... move this giant whatever-ma-joggy plant. So I twined it up... and then spent a good hour plus trenching it out, and oh my this f'er was surprisingly too heavy to even try to carry.

Then a ledger for the joists to attach to one end.

Lining up to the 12" pier which will sport another 4x10, to act as a beam.

More later.... it'll all make sense.

1 comment:

dewb said...

I once thought of building a deck. It would have been made out of wood. I would have cut wood, drilled holes in it, and made it a really usable structure. I can't wait to admire your deck.