Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hot Tub Deck Framing

The tub pre-staining.

16-guage x-bracing... joists about 14" on center...

2x10 beams.... 2 feet of cantilever, but I think we'll be fine...

Strapping up close.

Some of what went into the hot tub deck. Hopefully, it goes on top sooner than later.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hot Tub Deck

Concept was never to put the hot tub on the deck, via retrofitting a particular area of the deck. So I wanted to build the hot tub it's own platform... debating between having set REALLY low (relative to the deck) and pour a phat concrete slab... or try to elevate it (ai-i-i-i-i-i... elevating 5,000 lbs... I may be Frank Gehry artistically , but I'm no Webcor).

X-brace with a bolt in th' middle... helps a tremendous amount on any sway.... rumble-rumble-from-underneath-in-the-rubble...

Some triangulation as well... spread some weight, allow for movement (but not in the deck...)

To be honest... I'm not sure what strapping a 4x12 beam to the 6x6 post that anchors a lot of the deck. I guess should the hot tub take off to the side... it might drag the deck with it (thanks to the straps).

The finished tub deck. Note the 16-gauge strapping underneath. I'm not so worried about the weight pushing down (really I'm not), it's more about when/if 5,000 pounds of water should decide to rock back and forth. The different sized boards (all pressure-treated) was at random to mix strength, but still allow for gaps if/when water gets under the tub. With the gaps, water would sit, and eventually compromise the wood. I might even still drill a slew of small 1/4 inch holes a top the planks, to ensure complete drainage...much less stain/treat/prime the hell out of the wood. I'm still not convinced it's done... ugh.

Site of phase II, already begun... and probably done in parallel with topping the main part of deck... want the hot tub first, then adjust and build around, much less get the electricity out to it.

Random Observations

Last weekend, some blue mangy bird showed up and hung out. At first I thought it was sick, or injured. But no..... just nosey, lonely, and lookin' to hang out.... a little too much.

Brave little guy... would wait by the door when I went inside too, maybe he'll come 'round this weekend.

Artistic finds during a deck project....

Let's call this one, "Mallet Swirl"

And this one, is "Someone Bored With The Sticker Gun At The Lumber Mill"

Ok that sucked. I'll stop.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Home For A Hottub

Looks like building a "separate deck" for a huge heavy hottub is next phase. A 12" pier as the cornerstone, then 4x10's as ledgers and beams... some triangulations... lotsa joists, tons of hurricane ties, coil straps, gum, luck, ...

First things first... move this giant whatever-ma-joggy plant. So I twined it up... and then spent a good hour plus trenching it out, and oh my this f'er was surprisingly too heavy to even try to carry.

Then a ledger for the joists to attach to one end.

Lining up to the 12" pier which will sport another 4x10, to act as a beam.

More later.... it'll all make sense.

Help Has Arrived

June was a very slow month, but I'm thinking July will go much better with the arrival of some help.

A 12 inch concrete tube form..... great sitter to keep the little ones free from danger and limbs attached throughout the project.

Monday, July 2, 2007

This is hot....

Nothing to do with the deck....

So here's a picture of some concrete...